Here's a sample of the proposed page layout for one of the Characters featured in the setting. We want the players to feel as though they are looking through classified files and profile pages. This one includes the stats for ICONS as an example, permissions still need to be sought from Adamant, the plan hopefully would be to publish the setting for a number of games systems such as M&M, Icons, Bash etc..
We didn't want just a simple stat block and one image for each character, so the plan is to incorporate old photographs, news reports, classified data, personal stuff etc, into each of the Characters profile pages.
Recommend trying to add some coffee cup stains on the paper or maybe wrinkles, tears, or dog ear folds on paper or some big black 'redacted' black outs. Also maybe changing the font to a bit more typewritery or Times New Roman for the black print.
ReplyDeleteI like the text color and fading for the red values. Maybe give them a 'stamp' like feel with extra red ink from the stamper on the side, etc.
Thanks for the feedback Jim, yeah, cup stains and stuff sounds like a great idea. the redacted classified black-outs is actually an idea that we are planning on already using in certain sections of the books. Thanks again for your comments.